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Server Info

- Self-hosted server no VPS
- Always up-to-date fabric server with the latest stable version (If mods/data packs are up to date too)
- Daily Restarts: Ensures optimal performance.
- Trust-base 💎 economy

- IP: solidvanilla.serveminecraft.net 
- Patch: 1.21.4
- Hard Difficulty 🔒: For players seeking a challenge

Server Mods:

 - Always Loaded (allows portal chunk loaders to automatically restart after a server restart)
 - AntiXray
  - A lightweight mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers
 - Afkplus 
  - Show which players are AFK in the player list, see the Reasons, Durations, and Times
  - /afk [Reason]
 - Better Than Mending
- Sneak-right-click a Mending item to repair it with the experience you already have.
 - Carpet
  - So we can take full control over the vanilla game 
 - ChromaAnvils
  - Do you want color support in anvils? No worries, now you can have it!
 - Danse (serverside gestures / emotes) 
  - There are 7 gestures at the moment
  - /gesture bits
  - /gesture fall
  - /gesture grow
  - /gesture helicopter
  - /gesture handstand
  - /gesture wave
  - /gesture zombie
 - Inventory Totem (Makes the totem of undying effect work when it's anywhere in the inventory.)
 - Invisible Itemframes (Shift-click the item frame with an item to have it become invisible.)
 - Mail
  - Mod that gives players the ability to send messages to offline players
  - /mail list Lists all of a player's mail
  - /mail read <0-100> Reads the mail at the given index
  - /mail delete <0-100/all> Deletes the mail at the given index from the player's mailbox
  - /mail send <player> <message> Sends a message to the specified player
  - /mail parcel <player> <message> Sends a message to the specified player and includes the item stack held in the sender's hand
 - Ledger (A serverside logging mod)
 - Performance mods like Getittogether,C2me,ScalableLux ...
 - RaidRestore (Restores the raid mechanic like it was in 1.20)
 - Servux (sending structure bounding boxes for MiniHUD)
 - Simple Voice Chat: Communicate with ease. (Always download the latest mod version: https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat/versions)
 - Sit! (Sit on stairs, slabs, carpets and more)
 - TNT Breaks Bedrock! (🧨Allows TNT to break bedrock, easy access to the nether roof!)
 - Villager and passive mobs pickup
  - Allows you put Villagers and passive mobs to your inventory (Shift+RightClick)
 - Quick Cure (Instantly cure zombie villagers)
 - QuickLeafDecay

Data packs:

 - Anti Enderman grief
-  Prevents endermen from picking up blocks
 - Armored elytra
 -  Drop elytra and a chestplate above an anvil to merge them into one item. Drop the item above a grindstone to separate them again. Enchantments are kept safely between merging and separating. Burning netherite armored elytra will keep the chestplate but burn off the elytra.
 - Armor statues
 -  Adds a unique book that allows you to alter the properties of armor stands in survival.
 - Custom Nether portals
 -  Ignite nether portals of any shape and size you like, or use crying obsidian in the portal frame
 - Dragon drops elytra
 -  Makes the Ender Dragon drop a dragon egg and elytra on death
 - Mini blocks
 -  Use a stonecutter to craft certain blocks into mini blocks (heads textured like blocks)
 - More mob heads
 -  Adds a chance to receive a mob head upon killing it
 - Multiplayer sleep
 -  Not all players in the overworld must sleep to skip the night and the rain
 - Player Head drop
 -  A player will drop their head when killed by another player. The item displays who the killer is
 - Silence mobs
 -  Adds the ability to silence mobs using a name tag. 'Silence me'; 'silence me'; 'silence_me' are all acceptable names
 - Silk touch budding amethyst
 -  Lets you collect budding amethyst using Silk Touch
 - Wandering trader announcements
 -  Notifies nearby players in chat when a wandering trader arrives
 - Wandering trades
 -  Adds Mini Blocks to the Wandering Trader's trades.
 - Water in The Nether
 -  You can place water in The Nether


 - Always be respectful and stick to the rules

 - Keep the spawn area nice and clean. You are allowed to build shops and community buildings.

 - If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the staff members either on the server or via discord

 - You can proceed to Rules & Guidelines

Join Us Today!

Website: https://solidvanilla.serveminecraft.net/
Map: https://solidvanilla.serveminecraft.net/map/ 
Discord: http://discord.gg/KEu6tU36B4